Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ahmed Ali's Graduation Speech, a Study in Speech Credibility and an Example for Humanity

Ahmed Ali's wonderful graduation speech as he completed his studies at Minneapolis Public Schools' Transitions Plus program, an educational program for students with special needs. A cerebral palsy patient, Mr. Ali is unable to speak, so he delivered his speech using a computer and assistive technology. His accomplishment has gained nationwide attention. What made his 12-minute speech so special?

First, he reached out to thank his teachers and supporters who helped "make this event possible." He recognized not only his teachers, but all his classmates.

Second, he recognized his role models: "Of course, as any other kid, my heroes were Muhammad Ali and senator Barack Obama at that time." Of course!

Third, he loved public speaking: "I've always been interested in public speaking. But i didn't know if the world would actually accept me because I couldn't walk and talk like other people could." (When I was this young man's age, I suffered from severe stage fright. I entered a career in public speaking and debate to overcome it.)

Third, he was irrepressibly cheery. Not only did he give us upbeat content, but he smiled and gestured happily through the entire speech.

Fourth, he was right that no one succeeds alone. We don't all face the same challenges and obstacles. However, all people survive and prosper only because a sense of community helps us all uplift ourselves. So, like all good ceremonial speakers, he gave a message for all of us. How wise.

Fifth, he came to the United States as a Somali refugee. As our government's leaders attack refugees and immigrants as "animals" and "vermin," it is wonderful to see this young man conquer their bigotry, not by attacking them, but by giving them a sparkling and irrefutable example. 

Education is the key for all of us. Congratulations to Ahmed Ali and all other summer graduates.

Be sure to scroll down the link to watch the video!

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